Welcome to Read’s Reading and Reviews.
Hello, I’m Kathy Read. I love reading character driven novels that explore the human psyche and the soul; mysteries of the mind and motivation.
Why do people behave the way they do? I love the slow unfolding of a plot in which I come to understand the characters and discern what psychological factors influenced their behavior. Fiction offers access to a finite world, an experience not available in our day-to-day lives. Works of fiction are a literary freeze-frame of characters living in a specific time and place. The sentences the characters speak and the choices they make can be understood and analyzed because the book will never be altered. In fact, one can read a book several times and experience it differently each time, but the reader will have changed, not the book. Well-developed characters can illuminate just how complicated it is to be a human being. Understanding a character's complex history, motivations, and frailties can lead to empathy and the possibility of transcending our ordinary perspectives. If you also enjoy this type of literature, I hope you will find books that resonate with you. Thanks for visiting my website.
P.S. I post new reviews to my Home page every few weeks, usually on Mondays. Prior reviews can be found from the menu.